As the Covid-19 pandemic took hold, boards entered uncharted territory. Alongside management, they had to tackle a crisis of unprecedented magnitude.
To understand how boards reacted and to identify the lessons that boards can learn in dealing with future crises, INSEAD and Spencer Stuart launched a survey of 2,000 board members mainly based in Europe.
This report outlines the initial findings and covers the following:
Risk mapping
Crisis management
The role of the board and board leadership
Lessons for boards of directors
Executive summary
Covid-19 severely challenged the risk and crisis
management of many companies.
This was the first time that an external event has triggered a combination of risks which were previously
considered as independent:
- Health and safety
Discontinuity of supply
Decline of stock price
Drop in sales
Treasury gap
Economies were not impacted by the pandemic per se
but by the decision of governments to control the
pandemic through a global lockdown, which had
an immediate impact on the level of global
economic activity.
In some cases, members of top management were
also physically affected and consequently unable to
play their role, which would not have been considered
in the matrix of risks.
Crisis management ability was tested in real life with
potentially lethal consequences for some companies.
Covid-19 consequences differed between industries.
Some experienced severely negative impact (e.g.
airlines, travel, automotive, retail), whereas others
benefited from the lockdown (e.g. Big Tech, food).
Not all companies were equally positioned in the
fight against Covid-19.
Covid-19 amplified the strengths and the weaknesses of boards and management teams.
Some entered the crisis in better shape than others
and were better prepared to fight thanks to efficient
governance. For some, the crisis either revealed their
potential or their fragility.
Covid-19 was an acid test of:
- The board’s cohesion and solidarity
The board’s trust in management’s ability to deal
with a crisis
The self-control and maturity of the board and
the management
The efficiency of the board’s crisis management
tools and processes
The ability to seize opportunities, for example, by
taking over competitors in trouble
The robustness of succession planning
Employee engagement
This global crisis was significant for boards
and management teams in two respects — risk
and opportunity:
Protecting the balance sheet and business continuity;
Taking care of people and securing
management’s stability;
Managing the stock price, profitability and liquidity;
Taking care of clients and suppliers and securing
the supply chain;
Protecting against raiders;
Managing potential conflict between company and
shareholder interests.
Opportunity — to be overseen by the board in a
second phase:
After making sure that the company knows how to
adequately react, anticipating the changes that the
crisis will require going forward;
Preparing to emerge from the crisis;
Taking advantage of the opportunities generated by
the crisis;
Rethinking the business model, the purpose of the
company and the strategy
Covid-19 highlighted what makes a board successful
in dealing with such a crisis:
Permanently challenging its crisis management
processes by thinking the unthinkable and using
scenario analysis rather than only relying on
existing processes.
Testing the board’s behaviour in terms of its ability
to work under stress and deteriorated working
conditions, e.g.:
Focusing on the immediate issues without
getting lost in details.
Staying unified and ensuring overall consistency
between decisions made for the short term and
the long term.
Working efficiently with management to ensure
an adequate and clean division of responsibilities between the two bodies without the board
overloading management with unrealistic
demands that slow down the decision process.
Getting used to working remotely with secure
communication channels.
Celebrating management’s successes.
Reimagining the future.
Having clear leadership at the board level which
means the chair playing his or her role fully, but
only that role.
Establishing adequate communication within the
board and between the board and management, the
external communication of the company remaining
a management duty.
Providing emotional support to both management
and employees. Performance assessment will come
later — a crisis is not the right time to change
the CEO.
Making sure that in dealing with the crisis,
management decisions remain aligned with
the company’s values.
Covid-19 highlighted what makes a successful chair:
A successful chair:
Must always be prepared to guide the board
through the unexpected. Even if the crisis had
been foreseen, the response to it could not have
been predicted;
a management duty.
Should provide emotional support to the CEO and
the management team by avoiding a situation in
which board members bother them with unnecessary demands, and make sure that they focus on the
right issues. The role of the chair is to help raise the
executives’ game;
a management duty.
Should show real self-control and an ability to calm
the debate when the company is under stress;
a management duty.
Should make sure that the board stays united and
that no board members are left behind;
a management duty.
Should make sure that the board defines a wellarticulated and compelling purpose.
What are the lessons for the future?
The board should revisit the robustness of its
processes in three areas:
1. Board operations
Giving a clear mandate to management by clearly
defining the division of roles with the board
Challenging the risk mapping and the scenarios
for the future
Running an emergency plan
Working under stress
Creating a safe space for management without
negative emotions
Planning potential successions
Operating new communication channels with
high security standards
2. Relations with shareholders and stakeholders
Shareholder support (dividend policy)
Protection against raiders
Relations with employees
3. Business model, strategy and succession planning
Frame the post crisis strategy to safeguard
the future.
The chair’s performance in dealing with the crisis
should be assessed on his or her ability to:
- Align the board and management;
Position the board at the right level and
keep it united;
Support and help the CEO;
Keep an eye on the future.
The board should support management during the
peak of the crisis. Analysis of its performance will
come later.
In conclusion, the crisis challenged the board more
with respect to its attitude than its role and duties.
Click on the button below to read the full report.